Craigslist is an awesome place to buy a used car. That said, there are even better opportunities at local car dealerships. When looking for a used Honda Civic or Accord car for sale in Carteret County, you will want to look at the options available at Lejeune Honda. You may not realize this, but Lejeune Honda is one of the best selling Honda dealerships in the entire country. Because of this, they have plenty of used cars, trucks, vans and SUVs in which you can save money by making a purchase with them.

When using Craigslist for used cars for sale, buyers have to worry about their safety and the quality of the car or truck. Unfortunately, most people buying through Craigslist do not know the importance of having a mechanic to look under the hood. When you buy a used Honda from Lejeune Honda, you can be 100% confident that a certified Honda technician has looked over the vehicle and it is going to drive properly.

When test driving a Craigslist car in Carteret County you never really know what you are going to get. It might drive fine for the 5 or 10 miles you test drive it around Swansboro, Emerald Isle or Morehead City but it could break down as soon as you drive it home. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do to get your money back. In essence, you are taking the risk of throwing your money down the drain.

It would be a very wise decision to contact Lejeune Honda to see what types of cars, trucks, vans and SUVs they have available. You may find out that you can get just as good of a deal on a new Civic or Accord through leasing. Financing is also much easier through a dealership as you won’t have to pay in cash like you would if you were buying a car from a Craigslist seller.